Note: This page is updated as presentation materials are received. A complete list of keynote  and session presentations can be found in the conference program.

2017 Keynote Presentations

Luncheon Session: How to Shift When Shift Happens

Ms. Terrie Ponder, Director of UWGLive, University of West Georgia

As the use of technology is on the rise in the classrooms across the world, our students are on the cusp of an educational revolution. This educational revolution includes a continuously shifting technological environment and keeping up with the demands of this shift can be overwhelming. Preparing teachers and leaders for this shift is key to the future of education and student success.

presentation link:

2017 Session Presentations

Sessions are listed in alphabetical order by title.

All Things Google

Are you hesitant to jump into the Google Apps for Education realm? This workshop format session will provide you with an overview of Google Docs, Drive, Add-Ons, and Extensions. An added bonus to this session will include at least five tips that will make you fall in love with all things Google - guaranteed!

Presenter: Ms. Terrie Ponder, University of West Georgia

presentation link: