2015 SRATE/GATE Conference: October 8-10
at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel
"Shaping the Future of Education:
Creating Access, Opportunity, and Equity"
Advocacy, Diversity, and Social Justice; Agents of Change: Innovative Professional Development, Research, and Practices; The Impact of Policies and Reform on Teaching and Teacher Education; Promoting Student Engagement and Student Learning; Recruiting and Retaining Quality Educators; Using Technology to Promote High Quality Teaching and Learning
Preview the program here: 2015 SRATE/GATE Conference Program
SRATE 2015 Conference at a Glance:
Wednesday, October 7:
8:00pm GATE Executive Committee Meeting (DuBignon)
Thursday, October 8:
8:00am-5:00pm Conference Registration
8:30-11:30am SRATE Board Meeting (DuBignon)
11:00am-1:00pm Georgia Field Directors Association Meeting and Luncheon (Pulitzer)
Speaker: Dr. Alfrieda Manson, President, Fort Valley State University
11:30am-1:00pm Lunch on your own
1:00-1:50pm Concurrent sessions A* (pages 10-11)
2:00-2:50pm Concurrent sessions B* (pages 12-13)
3:00-3:50pm Concurrent sessions C* (pages 14-15)
4:00-4:50pm Special Session: Georgia Sea Turtles (Club Ballroom; pages 16-17)
5:00-5:50pm Reception: Georgia Sea Turtle Center (foot path to Center on page 17)
6:00pm First General Session and Dinner (Morgan Center; pages 18-19)
Speaker: Dr. Stevie Chepko, CAEP, Senior Vice Pres. of Accreditation
Friday, October 9:
8:00am-5:00pm Conference Registration
8:00-8:50am Concurrent sessions D
9:00-9:50am Concurrent sessions E
10:00-10:50am Concurrent sessions F
11:00-11:50am Concurrent sessions G
12:00-1:50pm Second General Session and Awards Luncheon
Speaker: Mr. Dennis W. Bega, US DOE, Natl Director of Regional Ops.
2:00-2:50pm Concurrent sessions H* (pages 32-33)
3:00-3:50pm Concurrent sessions I* (pages 34-35)
4:00-4:50pm GATE Membership Meeting (Club Ballroom)
5:00pm Dinner on your own
6:00pm Sunset Cruise (Ticketed event)
Saturday, October 10:
8:00am Conference Registration
8:00-8:50am Concurrent sessions J* (pages 36-37)
9:00-9:50am Concurrent sessions K* (pages 38-39)
10:00-10:50am Concurrent sessions L* (pages 40-41)
11:00am-12:00pm SRATE Business Meeting; all are welcome (Club Ballroom; page 42)
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Stevie Chepko, Senior Vice President of Accreditation, CAEP
Dr. Stevie Chepko will be the Keynote Speaker during the Opening General Session, scheduled for Thursday October 8 at 6:00 pm.
Mr. Dennis Bega, US Department of Education
Mr. Dennis Bega will be the Keynote Speaker during the Second General Session, scheduled for Friday October 9 at Noon, during the Awards Luncheon.
Jekyll Island Club Hotel
371 Riverview Drive
Jekyll Island, GA 31527
Room Reservations: 800-535-9547; 912-635-2600